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Dimecres, 13 Gener 2021 10:55

Conferències UNESCO

Economia i Recursos Naturals

Com a membres del Comité Científic del Geoparc de la Catañlunya Central aquest ens trasllada el programa de conferències que ha preparat la UNESCO en materia de geologia. Un programa certament molt interessant pels ET i Graduats de mines.

Al peu trobareu el programa en castellà.

Us transcribim literalment la invitació.


Dear UNESCO Global Geoparks Community,

Please accept our sincere best wishes for 2021 hoping that we will see the end of the pandemic this year and be safe again.

I am sharing with you multilingual flyers promoting new Earth sciences lectures which are organizing under the remit of International Geoscience programme in collaboration with UNESCO’s partner organizations, International Union of geosciences (IUGS) and iCRAG.

The lecture series will commence on 26 January 2021 with the thematic: Earth Materials: The Foundation for Development

And will be followed by:

  • Climate Neutrality, The Circular Economy, and Earth Materials (2 February 2021)
  • The Neglected Minerals and Materials of Development (9 February 2021)
  • Mineral extraction and Communities (16 February 2021)
  • Suppliers, Consumers and the Global Minerals Supply Chain (2 March 2021
  • Earth Materials and a Sustainable Future (9 March 2021)

If you want to participate in the lecture, please register at:

Can you please also disseminate these flyers with your networks and invite them to join our free lectures delivered by global experts?

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further clarifications regarding these lectures.

Best regards,


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